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5 Ways to Help an Active Veteran’s Housing Situation

Veterans have given so much for our country, and you must do what you can to help them when they come home. One of the biggest challenges many veterans face is finding suitable housing. There are several ways to support active veterans with their housing situations. This blog post will discuss five ways to help an active veteran’s housing situation.

1. Assist With Up-front Costs

Many veterans find the thought of renting or buying a home an insurmountable obstacle. Up-front costs like security deposits or down payments can seem particularly daunting for veterans who have struggled financially, exceptionally if they’ve recently returned to civilian life.

Taking care of these expenses can relieve some of the financial burdens that many veterans face when securing housing. Also, it’s a good idea to find out the up-front costs for any accommodation you’re interested in, and then offer to pay those expenses yourself. This way, your veterans can use their limited financial resources to care for other necessities like food and clothing.

In addition to assisting with up-front costs, you can also help with ongoing expenses. Providing regular financial assistance is perhaps the best way to ensure that your veterans can maintain their housing situation and not become homeless or in substandard housing. If you want to offer ongoing financial support, funds like gift cards for grocery stores and discount department stores are great options.

2. Help Veterans Access Their VA Benefits

Many active military and veterans may not know what type of help is available through the VA. It might be a good idea to provide them with information about the VA’s available housing assistance, including their Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) program.

When you reach out to your veterans, try asking them if they have applied for any VA approved homes benefits. See if they have a record of their application, and if not, let them know about the available benefits.

3. Assist With Home Improvements

If your veterans are interested in buying a home, there are many ways that you can help them find an affordable house or apartment. One of the best ways is to provide them with resources and information about low-interest home improvement loans. This will allow them to make necessary repairs and updates, resulting in lower monthly housing expenses. Also, check with your local authorities to see if any programs are in place to help low-income veterans make home repairs. It might also be helpful to look online for organizations that provide housing assistance in your state to find out what help is available to veterans in your community.

4. Offer Help Finding a Rental Property

You can also help your veterans find a rental property by providing information about low-interest loans for first-time homebuyers. This will allow them to take care of their down payment and closing expenses.

Not many veterans have a lot of disposable income, but that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve a decent place to live. So, if you can find a rental property or home for sale by the owner, you could help your veterans by providing them with a means to make their down payment.

5. Offer Help with Moving Expenses

You can provide your veterans with assistance moving into their new residence by offering to pay their moving expenses. If they are coming out of the military and need to move back home with family to save money, this might be the best way to help them transition back into civilian life.

If they are renting or buying a home, moving expenses could include boxes and packing supplies, as well as hiring someone to help them with the move itself. Also, your veterans might need help getting their utilities turned on in their new place, so be sure to ask if there are any costs associated with the move and offer to pay for them.


Finally, when trying to figure out how to help an active veteran with their housing situation, remember to be creative. Being a good neighbor goes a long way, and doing whatever you can to help it could bring you closer together. Also, remember always to act out of kindness and generosity.

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