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Electric Kettle: Top 7 Best Methods About How to Clean Electric Kettle

Cleaning of Electric Kettle     

Nowadays, modern life has been full of stress with a speedy process. It can be beyond imagination if you realize how many electric appliances are used in our daily lives. There are various kinds of electric kettles available on the market today. However, there is one thing in common: They need a thorough cleaning after every use. Otherwise, it poses a danger to the users’ health because of dirty build-ups inside it, leading to several illnesses and allergies when consumed by humans later on. 

Top 7 Best Methods about How to Clean Electric Kettle?

Therefore, this article gives the top 7 best methods about how to clean electric kettle. Following these steps might help your simple work clean your particular electrical appliance if not thoroughly and efficiently, resulting in a happy, healthy life.

1. Cleaning the electric water kettle with vinegar and baking soda

This is one of the best methods to clean an electric kettle because it uses only two things you will have at home anyway, so you don’t need to buy different products anymore. It is easy and very effective in removing stains from the inside of your tea kettle. Here are some steps you can follow to get that result without much effort: 

In a bowl, pour 100 ml of white vinegar and add warm water until reaching 500 ml, then stir it well. Then, add half a cup of baking soda into this solution and enough water until everything is mixed well.  After that, pour this mixture into the electric kettle and put it on its base. Later, please wait for 5 minutes until the boiling process starts, then turn it off. Leave the solution inside until the next day or overnight before removing it thoroughly with water and a towel to dry it up.

2. Cleaning by using salt

This method is one of the easy ways about how to clean an electric kettle efficiently. All you need is warm water, table salt, lemon juice, plus a bucket for cleaning steps as follows:

Firstly, fill your tea kettle with enough water to cover all dirt stains inside the container entirely without leaving any spot untouched. After that, add one tablespoon salt and two table spoons of lemon juice and place it back into the kettle. Then, put the electric heating base and turn it on to boil this mixture for 5 minutes while you can see that all stains are getting softened and loosen up.

Once it is boiling, please turn off the element and take out your tea kettle from its base and use a soft cloth or towel to wipe everything away from inside, outside, and areas near the water spout until all components are cleaned perfectly. To make your electric kettle sparkling clean again, repeat this method once a week or every month if needed.

3. Cleaning with vinegar only

If you don’t want to use two previous methods, here is another way to clean an electric kettle thoroughly at home; it is by using vinegar only. You can use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar for this method with an adequate amount of acid to make stains and mineral deposits loosen up efficiently.

Here are some easy steps to follow:

  • Fill your tea kettle with a large amount of warm water, about 75%.
  • Add three tablespoons of white vinegar into the container.
  • Place the electric heating base back into its place and turn it on. 
  • Once you hear that mixture starts boiling, set a timer for 15 minutes and wait until the process finishes before taking it off from its base. Then, rinse your electric kettle under running water to remove any remaining substances inside before leaving everything dry with an air compressor or soft towel to prevent rusting in the following steps.

4. Cleaning with lemon and salt

At home, you can find almost all ingredients needed to clean your electric kettle thoroughly by using this method; lemon and salt, which are effective in removing rust stains as well as mineral deposits. Below are some easy steps to follow: 

First of all, fill the tea kettle with warm water and add one sliced lemon and one tablespoon of sea salt into it, then place the base back into its place and turn on from low heat until boiling starts. Set a timer for 15 minutes before taking out the kettle from its heating element, then rinse under running water until removing any spots or substances that could be left inside. Finally, dry everything up with an air compressor or soft towel.

5. Cleaning by baking soda

Another best way to clean an electric kettle is baking soda, which is another easy way without using other ingredients. But, before choosing this method, you should check first whether your tea kettle is made of stainless steel or different kinds because it could be damaged if the wrong choice is used during the cleaning process. Here are some steps to follow: 

Start by filling your electric kettle with enough amount of water to cover all areas, including spots. Then, add ½ cup of baking soda into it, place back its heating element, and turn it on until boiling starts. Later after 5 minutes, turn off the base and leave everything inside until the next day or overnight to clean up cooling down completely. After that, use a soft towel or cloth to wipe baked soda and stains away from the outside and inside the kettle until it is clean enough.

6. Cleaning by boiling baking soda with vinegar

Like other methods on this topic, you can combine two ingredients, including baking soda and vinegar, about 100 grams of each, to have a pot full of the mixture to clean your electric kettle thoroughly at home. Here are some easy steps to: 

First of all, fill the tea kettle with water until it is level with baking soda, then place the heating base back into its place and turn it on. After that, set the timer for 3-5 minutes before turning off the set to leave everything inside until the next day or overnight. 

At this time, open the pot lid and add vinegar until all areas are covered. Place the heating element back into its place once again, then turn it on for five more minutes before shutting down again. After that, use a soft towel or cloth to wipe away stains from the outside and inside of your electric kettle, which has been loosened up by these two ingredients completely before rinsing under running water entirely after using this method successfully. 

7. Cleaning with citric acid

For making this method works, you will need to prepare 100 grams of lemon juice, a few spoons of salt, and an electric kettle itself. Here are some easy steps to follow: 

First of all, fill your tea kettle with water until it is around 1-inch from the top, then add these three ingredients into the container; lemon juice (100 grams), sea salt (4 spoons) as well as water (1 liter). Place the heating element back into its base and turn on medium heat until boiling starts before leaving everything inside for 15 minutes or overnight.

After that, rinse under running water to remove any remaining substances inside and wipe dry using a soft towel or cloth after using this method successfully at least once. 

Is it possible to remove lime scale from electric kettle?

Take the kettle and fill the kettle with water and the lemon. Make an equal quantity of water and lemon in the kettle. It is good to fill the kettle 3/4. If pure lemon is not available, then you can also use vinegar. Now leave the kettle for one to two hours. Now boil the solution in the kettle. If you add lemon, boil the solution for three times and if you use household vinegar, then boil only one time. Now leave the solution and the kettle. Leave it until it cools. Then wash the kettle with water until it cleans.  


An electric kettle is a little appliance which is very useful every day. There are many ways about how to use it, for example boiling water quickly with electricity. But sometimes, it also needs to be cleaned because some mineral deposits inside the electric kettle will make the kettle cloudy.

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