
Why Hire Should Hire an Architect for an Extension?

If you thinking of adding an extension to your home, you are probably wondering whether or not you should hire an architect. You might think that your home extension project is simple at first glance — but if it is not done properly, you could end up making a mistake that will cost you dearly in terms of both time and money. This is why it is highly recommended that you consult an architect about your extension before starting any work. 

In the UK, it is not a legal requirement to hire an architect. You can decide to come up with your own plans and drawings showing what wish the project to be look like and hand them over to the builder. Will this be a good idea? Most probably not. 

You will probably easily be able come up with designs for your project if you are an architect yourself. However, if you are reading this article, you probably aren’t. This means if you draw up your own plans, you could end up making costly mistakes and forfeit the benefits that come with hiring an architect for an extension such as saving money, time and avoiding unexpected problems with the project. 

Here are some reasons you should hire an architect for extension:

Help with  your planning permission application

An architect for an extension will help you with many aspects of the project beyond the design. Some home extensions require planning permission. Professional architects should have detailed knowledge and understanding of all of the relevant planning permission requirements When you apply, your application has to be accompanied by professional drawings of the extension. They can guide you through choosing the best design for the project. This means it will easily meet the planning permission requirements If you want the process to be seamless without any hitches, you will have to submit drawings made by a qualified architect. 

They ensure compliance with safety and building regulations

Gaining planning permission approval is just the beginning as your project must also comply with safety and building regulations. Yes, you may probably figure out the drawings by yourself, but do you understand all the relevant laws concerning home extensions?

Again, the answer is probably no, unless you are a qualified architect yourself. These are some of the things an architect for extension will help you with. They know all the information required that will help ensure your project complies with safety guidelines and building regulations. 

They offer professional advice

When it comes to building an extension—or any other home improvement project, there is no person better placed in giving you advice about an extension than a professional architect. These professionals probably have several years of experience in the industry in addition to the several years of training they have undertaken. This means they will offer invaluable advice about how you should go about your extension. 

If you are not sure about the kind of extension you want, an architect for extension will be able to give you some ideas making it easier for you to make a choice. Better still, they can help you make the most out of the available space, a space that you might have wasted if you opted out of seeking professional services. 


Adding an extension to your home may seem easy at first but it is never that simple. You can easily make a mistake if you do not seek the services of a professional architect and even end up being asked to redo the project again. This can waste your time and resources. Hire a qualified architect for any extension project to avoid these problems and you will get to enjoy several other benefits. 

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about An Ultimate Guide to Hire Flutter App Developers then visit our Daily bites category.

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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