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Onboarding Options for Property Management Software

Transitioning to new property management software can seem overwhelming. 

If you’ve already been using a different software platform, you’re now worrying about transferring your data, settings, and preferences—in addition to learning the features and functions of your new platform. 

On the other hand, if you’ve never used property management software, you have a whole different set of concerns. You may be unfamiliar with software applications and nervous about trusting them to manage your business. Maybe you’re anxious about security and don’t understand how your data is stored in the cloud.

Regardless of your situation, getting set up on a new software platform is a significant transition. That’s why it’s essential that the platform you choose offers onboarding features to help make the process as smooth as possible.

Here are a few options for onboarding on various property management software for landlords.

Independent Onboarding

You may decide that you don’t need the help of a service representative to get started with your new software account. If this is the case, you’ll be onboarding independently.

While this option doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help, you won’t be paying extra fees for personalized assistance with the transition. Independent onboarding can give you more freedom in how you choose to customize your software. 


Chances are, your property management software platform offers a few third-party integrations. Integrations define how your software connects to external applications, such as rent collection portals, listing sites, or digital accounting managers.

However, not every platform offers the same integrations in the same capacities. For instance, many property management software companies offer integration with QuickBooks and popular listing sites like Zillow. But if you’re using a different accounting manager or want to use listing syndication with other listing sites, you might be out of luck.

If your software platform has OpenAPI (such as Doorloop, Buildium, and Rent Manager), you may be able to customize an integration. This means the software is open for users to configure their own integrations, either independently or with another company’s help.

Integrations permit exceptional flexibility and versatility with your software. If you’re approaching the onboarding process on your own and want to know how to make the most of your software, be sure to investigate integrations.

Paid Onboarding Services

If you’re not as confident with software or simply want extra help, consider paying for personal onboarding services. Property management software platforms that offer this plan pair you with a customer service representative to walk you through each step of the onboarding process. 

Kickoff Call 

If you’ve opted for paid onboarding, your first step might be to schedule a kickoff. This is when you’ll be paired with an onboarding specialist on platforms like Buildium. Together, you’ll discuss specific details of your business, your accounting structure, income flows, late fee infrastructure, and software customization.

If you have any questions or concerns for your representative, don’t hold back—after all, you’re paying for this service.

Lease Templates and Documents

Next, your onboarding representative will probably ask you about where your leases, rental application, and other documents are stored.

If these documents are saved to your hard drive, uploading them to your new software is straightforward. You can also start from scratch or download a lease template already on the platform. Documents you created or edited on your previous property management software platform can also be transferred.

Data Migration

Now that your account is set up, it’s time to migrate the rest of your data. This step will look different depending on where you currently store your data.

If you’re currently using another property management software platform, your onboarding representative will help you migrate your data to your new platform. 

If you’ve been manually managing your business, your data might be contained in Excel sheets, for instance. You might have revenue, expenses, tenant information, and financial reporting in various places. Your representative will assist you in uploading these files and getting each type of data where it belongs.

Inviting Tenants

Tenants also must make accounts on your new software. When you invite your tenants to do so, it may be useful to have your onboarding representative on call in case of any technical difficulties. If tenants have questions or concerns about the new software, your representative can address them.

Get Started with Property Management Software

You won’t regret your decision to transition to property management software. Digital rental management has proven highly successful in helping landlords organize and facilitate their businesses. Whether you pay for additional onboarding help or make the switch independently, you will no doubt find the choice rewarding.


Olivia is a seasoned blogger with a flair for lifestyle and fashion. With over 6 years of experience, she shares her passion for the latest trends and styles, offering inspiration and guidance to her audience on all things lifestyle-related.

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