
What is PWA and what are its benefits?

Even though Progressive Web Appsor PWA as they are commonly called – are not a new technology, the web apps are yet to witness a breakthrough in the digital space. Launched back in 2015, PWAs have been playing a significant role in bettering the digital metrics of several businesses across industries. However, they are yet to become a global phenomenon.

The intent of this article today is to give you insights into what the technology is and the many benefits it can provide you as you become your industry’s leader. Let us start with the basics first.

What is PWA?

PWA stands for progressive web apps – an app type built on web technologies like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. Although a web platform by foundation, the PWAs act as native applications when it comes to the look and feel.

The web apps give users the best of both worlds – the low data usage of websites and push notifications, offline support of native applications. Real-world examples of PWAs can be seen in Twitter Lite, Starbucks, Uber, and Washingtonpost.

For something that works like a native app, I am sure you must be wondering what is the difference then. Well, the difference between PWA and Native apps lies in the way they are built. While native apps are built through platform-specific technologies, PWAs are only a conversion of a website into a native-like interface. The next difference can be seen in the intent. Users generally interact with a PWA for a quick in and out experience but they use mobile apps for more detailed interactions.

Now that you know what PWA is and what differentiates it from a native application, let us bring you one step closer to contacting your web development company for seeking their help in building a progressive web app.

The many benefits of progressive web apps

Several research around businesses that have expanded their digital offering to PWAs have come back with statistics like:

  • 68% rise in mobile traffic
  • 25-times lower device storage
  • 52% average rise in conversion
  • 137% rise in engagement
  • 42.86% decline in bounce rate
  • 133.67% increase in the page views

Let us convert these numbers into clearly worded benefits of the technology.

1. Low development cost

A single PWA meets the needs of all the devices it operates on. Meaning, only one progressive web app has to be made by the developers. This, added with the fact that it is based on foundation-level frameworks like CSS, HTML, etc. makes it extremely effortless for a developer to create a PWA. The result? Low development cost.

2. App like feel

The modern-day users prefer apps over browsers because of the convenience and speed they offer. PWAs provide exceptional user experience by merging the look and feel of a native application with a website’s performance. This leads to the users witnessing an app-like experience at 25X less data storage.

3. Faster installation

Compared to the regular native applications, progressive web apps do not need a complex, long installation process. The only thing that the users have to do is to accept the prompt of ‘Add to Home Screen’ and use the application. This cuts down the installation time from 5-6 steps to only one. Moreover, since PWAs are not made live on the stores, the users can access them straight through a URL.

4. Platform agnostic

Progressive web apps work everywhere. Triggered through a URL, the app runs on all types of devices and operating systems, irrespective of what the size of the device screen is. A major benefit that this platform-agnosticism provides is that the users are able to take their interaction ahead seamlessly even when they switch between devices.

5. Seamless offline operation

PWA’s in-built service workers cache the app’s features and information when the app is in use, making it possible for the developers to use the app when they go offline. This offline nature of working comes particularly handy to publications based applications, which enables users to access the content even in an Airplane mode.

6. Enhanced security

PWAs depend on HTTPS for providing data safety and minimizing the risk of security breach. The protocol eliminates the instances of content tampering and snooping, making the user experience extremely secure and hack-proof.

7. Push notifications functionality

Just like native applications, PWAs also have access to device’s push notifications. It enables businesses to send personalised messages to their customers right from within the web application. This leads to an increase in conversion rate, creation of a truly app-like experience.

So here are the basics that you need to know about progressive web apps and the benefits that you can expect from expanding your digital presence to a PWA. Now that you have enough material to get started in this profitable journey. The only logical next step would be to get in touch with a web development company and initiate your project.

What is the main feature of PWA?

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are web applications that offer users a native app-like experience. The main feature of PWA is that it allows developers to create web applications that can be installed on a user’s device, work offline, and send push notifications. PWA uses modern web technologies to create an immersive user experience that is fast, reliable, and engaging.

One of the significant advantages of PWA is that they can work seamlessly across multiple devices and platforms. PWA is built on a responsive design that adjusts to the device’s screen size, ensuring that the application looks and performs well on all devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktops. This makes PWA ideal for businesses and developers who want to reach a broad audience with their web applications.

Another key feature of PWA is its ability to work offline. PWA uses a service worker, a script that runs in the background, to cache essential resources such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing the application to function without an internet connection. This means that users can continue to access and use the application, even in areas with poor network connectivity.

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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