Home Improvement

5 Bathroom Renovation Ideas to Consider

Nothing feels better than a hot shower or a soak in the bath after a long day. The bathroom is the second room of interest when people look to move into an apartment. Regularly updating your bathroom will ensure that it remains a room where you freshen up and come out feeling clean and tranquil. Below are some bathroom renovation ideas to try;

1.  The Floor and Fan

Bathrooms have a constant flow of water and dirt. And as such, the scum from dirty water may eventually erode your once beautiful floors. Replacing the bathroom tiles is not just a great way to give a facelift but is also a safety measure. However, uncommon some bathroom floors are wooden. If you are not keen on changing them, you can add protective enamel to them for a refreshing new look. Pebbles are a new way of flooring that gives you that beach vibe every time you are in for a shower. When renovating floors on a budget, you can consider inexpensive vinyl floors and give off a classy look. Ventilation fans in bathrooms will keep mold and odor at bay. A noiseless fan that exhausts outside your home is the best option for bathrooms.

2.  The Walls and Vanity

For most apartments, white or neutral-colored walls are the norm. However, that need not be the case after you have settled in. A beautiful coat of paint is a cheap and fun way to make your bathroom look brand new. Bright colors bring warmth to a room and make it more enjoyable to be in. You should always ensure that the paint is waterproof. Another great and quick way is to hang a painting on one of the walls and let it be the focal point in the bathroom. The tiling on your bathroom walls may look worn out and discolored due to the moisture and dirt residue; changing it up will give you a cleaner-looking bathroom. When making a small bathroom look more extensive, you can use a large frameless mirror. Vanities are useful for aesthetic and functional purposes.

3.  The Shower and Bathtub

There is a lot you can do to enhance your daily showering experience. You may want to add in a steam shower for a more luxurious feel for a start. Steam showers are a way to pamper yourself at the comfort of your home as some will have the option of different lighting and aroma when on. If your shower head is not above a bathtub, you can consider adding a glass shower enclosure and tray. The great thing about having this glass framework is turning on your steam shower for a spa-like experience. Changing the showerhead from round to rectangular is a practical and straightforward way to renew the shower space. Freestanding bathtubs are becoming a popular choice when you want an elegant look. You can also refresh your tub with new paint instead of buying a new one.

4.  The Toilet and Lighting

There are so many ways to move your toilet from regular to glam. The technological advancements for toilets will ensure that your time on the seat is most pleasant. You may opt for self-cleaning or heated seat designs that have become quite popular. Gone are the days when all you could find were white toilets. Now you have the option of having a gold toilet if you want. A dimly lit bathroom is both dangerous and unappealing to be in. You can add a few more bulbs or a small chandelier to get more light in, as generally, bathrooms rarely get enough natural light.

5.  The Storage and Faucets

Whether your bathroom has cabinets over the countertop or below, you can use them for more than as storage facilities. Replacing the hardware on the cabinets will save you money and give you a new look. Other great storage pieces like woven baskets add style and hold your toiletries and towels. The various designs and colors of under-mount sinks make them an excellent option for any bathroom renovation and easier to clean. You can replace your sink faucets without a professional making them fast and cheap to renovate bathrooms.

Renovating your bathroom doesn’t need to be a costly affair. You can source cheap materials of high quality and do the upgrades yourself. If you’re a homeowner, remodeling the bathroom will increase the house’s value.

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