Digital Marketing

Advantages Of Interactive Content In Digital Marketing

Interactive content has been much more effective in capturing the attention of users, but this is not its only benefit.

Let’s talk about the main advantages of interactive content in a Digital Marketing strategy.

1. Increase engagement

Currently, there is no better way to achieve success in the virtual world than by producing high-value and quality content so that the public develops a commitment to your brand.

Interactive content is gaining prominence and becoming more and more essential to generate stimulation by making users advance, comment and share and, consequently, increase the rate of interaction.

2. Attract qualified leads

By definition, interactive posts require active participation on the part of the user.

This means that if someone has interacted with your content until the end, it is very likely that they have a real interest in what you are offering, which proves that they are a qualified lead, or in other words, a potential client with a high conversion opportunity. .

3. Learn more about the buyer persona

While static content delivers relevant analytics, the power of interactive content is even greater.

Most interactive platforms integrate with marketing automation software and make it possible to know not only who is accessing the content, but also what kind of actions they take and what they mean in terms of behavior and interest.

This type of information allows the profile of the company’s buyer persona to be improved to further enhance the efficiency of conversion actions.

4. Diversify the content

In general, we all know what the most traditional types of content are in a Digital Marketing strategy. Articles, ebooks and webinars are some examples.

And, although they work quite well, it never hurts to diversify and offer new formats to delight your audience.

As you have seen before, there is a lot of interactive content option so you can offer a differentiated experience for different contexts and objectives.

5. Perform longer

It is true that static content can be reused, but an interactive material usually has many more ways to stay active.

Since, thanks to the various options and paths to explore, visitors can continue to find it useful for longer.

6. Unite content and user experience

Ebooks, infographics and blog posts are very valuable to educate the consumer, since they provide a lot of information.

When they become interactive, they add value that engages and engages people: entertainment.

Interactive content, therefore, unites information and fun. That is why the user feels stimulated to consume this type of content, which is so attractive that it keeps their attention until the end.

A quiz, for example, requires the person to go through all the questions and go all the way to the bottom of the page to get the answer, which can be more difficult in an ebook or blog post.

Thus, content is no longer passive and static, but instead provides people with a dynamic information consumption experience.

In addition, this type of content greatly increases the time the user spends on the page, due to the amount of resources it offers them, which also stimulates better positioning in Google.

This change is even more relevant if we consider Generation Y — the millennials — born between 1980 and 1995, who are in the market dictating trends and influencing consumer behavior.

These young people saw the birth of the Internet and the world becoming faster and faster, for this reason, this generation is extremely dynamic.

Well, it makes no sense to offer them static, boring and irrelevant content: they need innovation, challenges and experiences. The interactive contents, therefore, satisfy their wishes.

Regarding the next generations, the dynamics of the contents will no longer be a choice, but a necessity to communicate well with them.

7. Optimize lead generation and conversions

Interactive content not only drives more engagement, but also drives results in leads, sales, and billing for businesses.

After all, dynamic, visually appealing content that provides a richer experience can spark consumer desire. Plus, by capturing their attention, this type of content can also guide them on their conversion journey.

For that, we can count on tools to create interactive content (later we will mention some of them).

Some of these tools offer features to optimize conversions and test apps to see which ones work best.

You can test, for example, two design versions of your landing page to see which generates the most conversions.

In this way, you make the user experience more interesting and, at the same time, obtain better results from your content.

Read More: Digital Marketing in the Digital Age

What are the types of interactive content?

Interactive content is any digital content that encourages user engagement, participation, and feedback. Interactive content provides users with an immersive and engaging experience, which can help increase brand awareness, lead generation, and customer retention. Several types of interactive content are designed to suit a specific audience and marketing objective.

Quizzes and Surveys: Quizzes and surveys are a popular type of interactive content that allows businesses to gather valuable feedback from their audience. These types of interactive content can help businesses better understand their customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors.

Interactive Videos: Interactive videos are digital content that allows viewers to actively engage with the content, such as clicking on links, answering questions, or selecting different options. These videos can help increase engagement and provide viewers a more personalized experience.

Polls and Voting: Polls and voting are another type of interactive content that can be used to gather feedback from your audience. They are a great way to engage your audience and encourage them to participate in the conversation.

Games and Quizzes: Games and quizzes are a fun and engaging way to interact with your audience. They can be used to educate, entertain, or promote your brand and are a great way to encourage user engagement.

Interactive Infographics: Interactive infographics are digital content that allows users to explore and interact with data and information. They are a great way to present complex data in an engaging and easy-to-understand format.

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