
7 Mistakes That Will Keep You From Hiring a Python Developer

If you need to hire python developers, you have your work cut out for you. The programming language isn’t difficult, but there are plenty of features that can throw off developers looking to put it into practice. If you avoid these mistakes and find the right developer, however, you’ll have access to one of the most powerful programming languages on the market today. Here are seven mistakes to watch out for if you want to find the right Python developer for your business or project.

1) Don’t ask for an hourly rate

There’s no question that asking for an hourly rate is one of the biggest mistakes companies make when hiring for developers. Instead, try making it about your long-term relationship and instead offer to pay them on a per-project basis or monthly retainer. Either way you ensure that they are invested in getting you results rather than just padding their wallet. Also, don’t ask for things like years of experience. The value isn’t in how many years someone has been coding; look at what they have achieved in those years. If a developer with five years of experience has built more apps than someone with ten years then that tells you something different about what kind of job they are likely to do for you over time!

2) Don’t write a job ad that sounds like you don’t know what you want

When hiring Python developers, it’s very easy to fall into one of two traps: you can write an ad that is too broad, resulting in a frustrating series of interviews as you struggle to figure out what each candidate actually does; or you can be too specific, inadvertently limiting your options. Both problems are avoidable with some basic care and thought.

3) Don’t give too many details about the project

When hiring developers, you’ll want to keep your idea as vague as possible. The clearer your vision is, and details about what you actually want to build, is directly related to how much money you will have to spend on it. If you provide just enough information for someone to know what they’re doing but no more, chances are they’ll be willing to do it faster and cheaper than if you gave them all of your specifications. In short: don’t explain too much!

4) Don’t write an ad saying do your best and we will hire you anyway.

There’s little worse than applying for a job and not being given clear instructions about what you should do to get hired. Don’t let your hiring managers write an ad that says things like we want to see what you can do, but don’t worry – we will hire you no matter what. This attitude in hiring is unacceptable because it gives applicants zero direction on how to present themselves to get their foot in the door.

5) Don’t interview them on Skype

It’s time for face-to-face interviews. If you’re hiring remotely, don’t conduct an initial or final interview via Skype. This isn’t to say that using video conferencing software is bad—but if you want to hire great developers, getting them in person is vital.

6) Don’t promise good pay if you can’t pay it

Python developers are in high demand—and for good reason. They’re highly sought after for their deep understanding of programming and data science, and for their ability to innovate and collaborate with teams. But if you want to hire one of these experts (which you should), you need to make sure your salary offer is attractive enough—otherwise, they’ll keep looking elsewhere. It might be tempting to promise great pay upfront, but don’t do it unless you know you can deliver.

7) Don’t expect them to like working with you before they have worked with you

Just because you’re excited about your project doesn’t mean that a developer is going to be excited about it. An uncomfortable or hesitant attitude will be obvious right away, so don’t expect them to like working with you before they have worked with you. As much as they want to work with clients they like, developers are also looking for people who know what they want and can specify their needs clearly and concisely.

Read More: Key differences between regular hiring and volume hiring

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