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5 Warning Signs of Blurry Vision

Blurred vision doesn’t just feel awful to experience. It can also be a sign of something more serious happening in your eye. There are various warning signs of blurred vision. You will also learn how you can avoid dealing with this issue and getting treatment.

What Is Blurred Vision?

Blurred vision occurs when your eyes cannot focus properly on an object you’re looking at. It can make everyday tasks difficult if it’s not only short-term. Short-term blurred vision isn’t always a cause for concern and will often go away on its own, but long-term blurred vision is something that should be checked out immediately by your eye doctor.

Warning Signs of Blurred Vision

1. Double Vision

Double vision occurs when your eyes cannot focus properly on one object, causing two similar images to be seen together. It is most common with nearsightedness but can also be caused by astigmatism.

2. Floating spots

Floating spots often indicate a detached retina. The most dangerous of the warning signs of blurry vision is the detached retina. It occurs when the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye pulls away from the rest of your eye. There are two main reasons for this to occur: age-related macular degeneration or trauma.

3. Pain

Pain is an incredibly important warning sign of blurred vision. It indicates there is something wrong with your eyes and that you should see a doctor immediately. Some causes of pain include glaucoma and infections such as conjunctivitis or pinkeye.

4. Sensitivity to light

Like the pain warning sign, sensitivity to light is a red flag because it can be a symptom of glaucoma. Glaucoma is when fluid builds up in your eye, compressing the optic nerve and causing vision loss.

5. Halos

Halos are caused by too much light bouncing off your retina and into your eyes. It gives you the impression that there’s an aura of white or colored light surrounding any outside objects. It’s very similar to seeing stars after getting hit in the head hard enough by someone.


Even if you’re only experiencing a few of the warning signs of blurred vision, it’s still important to check them out. Some of the treatment plans include:

1. Restoring eye muscle strength with vision therapy

Vision therapy can be used to strengthen a weak or lazy eye muscle. You will usually start with eye stretches, aiming to focus on and follow an object at a distance to strengthen your eye muscles.

2. Using vision correction for nearsightedness and astigmatism

There are many different types of vision correction- including glasses, contact lenses, and surgery. Glasses are the most popular form of this treatment because they are considered safer than getting LASIK or another type of surgery.

3. Treating eye infection with antibiotic drops

In serious cases of eye infection, you may need antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Depending on how severe your condition is and how long it takes for the infection to go away, you will usually be given several different prescriptions.

4. Using the medicine for glaucoma

Glaucoma drops are used to treat glaucoma by decreasing fluid flow in the eye. You must regularly use these drops as instructed by your doctor to be effective while reducing any side effects as much as possible.

5. Treating detached retina with surgery

A detached retina can be treated effectively with surgery if done right away. The earlier you have surgery, the more likely your vision will be restored. The surgery will often involve placing a gas bubble in the eye to push back the retina gently and hold it in place while it heals.

Wrapping Up

Blurred vision is a severe condition that requires immediate attention. If you have more than the above signs of blurred vision, this can be a sign of something serious happening in your eye. You should see your eye doctor right away. By keeping your eyes healthy, you will be able to prevent most of the damage that can happen to them over time and keep your vision as clear as possible.

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