Home Improvement

7 Interesting Ways To Include Tile Accents In Your Home

Redecorating your home is pretty straightforward if you have fundamentals clear in your mind. If you know the right tricks, you can do the same at far less cost. Adding a decorative tile accent to your walls can spruce up your space.

Compared to regular tiles, tile accents are unique in design, appearance and costing. They instantly enhance the interiors of the space by adding more colour and personality. Contrary to widespread opinion, you can extend the use of accent tiles way beyond your bathrooms, with other parts of the house being equally excellent places for installing them.

However, it is crucial to consider that you can always get tile accents from different tiles, laying patterns, and even objects in the space. This leaves endless possibilities for experimenting and playing around with arrangements. With that in mind, let’s look at the top ways to incorporate tile accents stylishly in your house and make a statement.

Add As Mirror Surrounds

While many designers and homeowners opt for a fancy mirror for that ‘quirky’ element in bedrooms or bathrooms, you can go a step ahead and add customised surrounds around the mirror itself. If the space around the mirror is utilised, a creative canvas is the result. Using tiles around the mirror for an accent wall is the most accessible approach you could take. Whether you choose a shape or pattern using different colours or keep it abstract – put your imagination to use and make it a reality.

Make An Entryway

Want to use a rug to make your house’s entrance look different from the others? Move over the age-old idea! While it is an acceptable one, you can always make a permanent rug right in front of the house minus the constant maintenance issue associated with rugs outside homes due to dust and dirt. You can use tile accents to make a design in your entryway that is almost like carving your own entrance, albeit permanently.

What about the upkeep? Well, all you will need is warm water and a cleaning solution mixture and a microfibre cloth to clean it regularly. Ceramic tiles are the best for entryway accent flooring, as they are immensely durable and able to bear foot traffic.

Countertop Backsplashes

Renovating your kitchen is pretty simple if you know how to go about it. When it comes to the kitchen, the primary areas up for redecorating remain the backsplashes and the countertop. While you can always experiment with walls and flooring, the former two are the ones that will grab maximum attention.

You can go with vintage mosaic accent tiles for the backsplashes or a monotoned mix and match of tiles on the countertop to make a statement. You can even take a specific space of any wall, like the portion behind the sink, for instance, and add the accent tiles to make it stand out. Ultimately, there are multiple ways you can try and test with a tile accent in the kitchen without worrying about making it awkward.

Frame A Wall, Mirror Or A Window

Not in the mood to go so much into detail? You still have fantastic options for the goal! You can work on something as simple as framing either a mirror, window or a wall. You can take small tile squares and install them to create a photo frame effect around the space that you want to highlight. This will bring forth that particular element to the fore and create an accent with minimum effort. You can even do the same in your bathroom by creating a frame on a wall without any particular object to highlight. Just creating a rectangle or square with the tiles on a bathroom wall suffices in adding a spark of creativity.

Tub Backsplash

Have a relaxing and luxurious bathtub in your bathroom? Put it to good use to elevate your bathroom interior to the next level. Bathtubs and bathrooms are places where you rejuvenate and freshen up. Consequently, the ambience is also a major contributing factor in creating an environment that is attractive yet relaxing.

So instead of going for a monotone tile background for your bathroom, you can go with tub backsplashes using accent tiles. They add some Pinterest-worthy real drama to the space. Floral, mountainous or beach – the choice is yours. In fact, you can even select a custom mosaic design and border it with white tiles to highlight the design even more so.

Line a Path or Layout

You can use tiles to line a path or layout in your bathroom to pave a direction. If your bathroom has a specific space for bathing, like one for washing hands, one for dressing, etc., you can line the floor with tiles to mark the directions. Whether you go for accent tiles or any other ones, as long as they create a uniform directionality in combination, you’d do just fine!

Create a Mosaic Throw Rug

The best part about using tiles to redecorate your space is that you can create patterns the way you want. Placing a throw rug in bathrooms or living rooms can be a tricky situation with increased responsibilities of maintaining them. On the other hand, you can still keep the idea of accommodating a throw rug in these spaces but using accent tiles. You can play with dark and light tiles to create the demarcations – dark tiles to form the borders and light on the inside to create a throw rug effect. In such cases, mosaic tiles fit well as they are essentially used to create such effects.

There are multiple ways to uplift your space. However, one of the most straightforward and affordable methods is to go with tile accents. Perhaps the main reason for such popularity is that they give you absolute freedom in moulding the space based on your own choice. Nevertheless, if you are confused about how a particular tile will look in your space, you can always use a tile visualiser like this to see how it looks in real.

Author Bio: 

Isha Tandon has worked within the architecture and interior design industry as a flooring consultant expert – specializing in tiles, stones, and terrazzo. She has worked with Orientbell Limited, a leading tile manufacturer in India, as a product development manager in the design team and has recently joined the marketing team as their digital content expert. Her experience comes in handy in understanding the audience as she creates value-driven functional & informational content for the readers. She creates lifestyle pieces that focus on interior design products, trends, and processes. She loves to travel to historic places with rich architecture.

Read More: 5 Modern Trends To Include Inside Your Homes Bathroom

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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