
How To Accompany A Person With Cancer?

Cancer is a disease that affects the lives of many people and those around them, becoming, in most cases, overwhelming. According to data from the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), in the country every two hours there are three new diagnoses of some type of cancer , with breast and prostate cancer being the ones that most affect women and men, respectively.

For us in Snah, both the patient and the caregiver are very important. That is why we recommend cancer patients to have a support network made up of a group of people who help them cope with this difficult time. Likewise, the Urgent Care is recommended to have physical and emotional support.

If you are a caregiver, we offer several tips to alleviate the weight that cancer produces in the patient, for example:

Find pleasures and activities so that the patient can be distracted.

Identify the tasks that the patient can perform, so that they do not lose their autonomy.

Validate your emotions and thoughts. Remember that there will always be some days better than others.

Don’t hide the bad news: talk about the disease and its progress naturally. Allow the patient to make decisions.

Remember that they are a key part of the cancer care team and therefore rely on other people.

On the other hand, being a caregiver is not an easy task because it requires attention to detail, being aware of changes, knowing the medications and the medical appointments that you have scheduled.

This set of responsibilities can cause carelessness, causing the quality of life to be reduced. This is known as caregiver syndrome.

Among the symptoms of this syndrome can be found stress, anxiety, depression, tiredness and lack of energy, irritability, insomnia, mood swings, emotional tension, family and social isolation, among others. 

It is important that those who assume a care role maintain healthy habits and achieve a balance between their personal life and their responsibilities.

Here are some tips that can help ease the feeling:

Get a planner where you can write down the tasks for the day. This helps to establish a schedule and organize both the needs of the person you care for and spaces for yourself.

Plan activities that you enjoy, such as going out to eat, exercising, taking walks, watching a series, among others.

Read newspapers, watch videos that give you a break, etc.

Remember to take care of your person, with the necessary time dedicated to yourself and not feel guilty about it.

Try to keep your normal routine as much as possible.

Devoting yourself to care does not mean being alone, if you need help you can ask for it or talk to friends or family to ease the pressure. You may also consider seeking out groups of caregivers to get closer support and understanding of what you may be going through. This will give you the energy you need to care for your loved one.

From Snah, we know how important it is who suffers from cancer as well as who cares for them, that’s why we reiterate that it is vital to maintain quality of life.

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Can you be around someone with cancer?

Many people wonder if they can be around someone with cancer. The short answer is yes, absolutely. Cancer is not contagious, and being around someone with cancer does not put you at risk of getting the disease. In fact, many cancer patients rely on the support of their loved ones during their treatment, and being there for them can make a big difference in their overall well-being.

That being said, it is important to be mindful of the fact that cancer patients often have weakened immune systems due to their treatment, which can make them more susceptible to infections. It is important to take precautions to avoid spreading illness, such as washing your hands frequently and avoiding contact if you are sick.

It is also important to be sensitive to the emotional needs of someone with cancer. They may be experiencing a range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, and sadness, and may need extra support and understanding during this time. Simply being there to listen and offer a shoulder to lean on can be incredibly helpful.

Liam Smith

Liam Smith is a health and fitness blogger who is passionate about helping people achieve their health and fitness goals. With over 6 years of experience in the fitness industry, Liam has worked with a wide range of clients, from beginners to professional athletes. He has written extensively on topics such as strength training, nutrition, and weight loss, and he is dedicated to providing practical and actionable advice to his readers. Liam believes that everyone has the potential to achieve their health and fitness goals, and his mission is to help them get there. When he's not writing or working with clients, Liam enjoys running, hiking, and trying out new healthy recipes.

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