
In 2023, 5 Web Design Mistakes to Watch Out 

A website is the face of a company and a must in this digital age. It helps you control the narrative, increase credibility, and communicate with a larger audience while helping your possible customers find you. In this quaid age, a well-optimized website can be a gateway to business. Due to the lockdown, more and more customers are searching online for information, services, and products in the comfort of their own homes. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid such mistakes in web design. What makes a web-site compatible? UI / UX, digital marketing, SEO optimization, conversions, etc.

Imagine a well-designed website with low traffic, number of visitors, and conversions. Why? This can be a flawed website design. It is important to be aware of these website design mistakes that they can avoid in 2022.

Here are the  5 Mistakes to avoid when designing your website


A CTA (Call to Action) is, in general, an image, text, or a combination of both that motivates your guests, leads, and customers to take action. If you are getting more traffic but your conversion rate is lower, it means you are losing potential customers. Worse, you may be losing them to your competitors. The CTA should be persuasive and straightforward. Something like click here! Get started! Add to cart, contact us. A CTA is important in sales because it pushes visitors to buy or take action. CTAs should be relevant and should be considered first in the design process to avoid such mistakes in website design.


Businesses want to show their audience everything about their brand and business. Too much information or too little information can harm a web-site. Crammed websites make reading difficult and anyone can leave without knowing what you want to show them, which can increase the bounce rate. The bounce rate indicates how many visitors left without any further action. And too little information can confuse them and mislead them about the brand. The content of the website should be crisp and provide the right amount of information to the visitor.


SEO (search engine optimization) is the method of optimizing your web-site to get a better ranking in organic search results. This will help you reach your target audience without spending money on ads. Keeping your website optimized for the right keywords that your potential customers are searching for increases your ranking in Google search results for that keyword, considering it more user-friendly. Common headlines, short headings, missing meta descriptions, and h1 tags are common website design errors that can damage your rankings and domain authority.


Nowadays, websites can be accessed from many devices. A common website design error is failing to make it mobile-friendly. Design a mobile-friendly website that can be accessed from a variety of devices, including desktops/laptops, mobile phones, and tablets. Accessing your desktop site on mobile will be a challenging experience for users as it will be difficult to read and view media content or use click buttons. Google prefers and enhances mobile-first indexing rankings. Today, more individuals have mobile access, and more than 50% of traffic comes from mobile. One should keep these points in mind to avoid mistakes in website design.


The elements of the website should be organized and focused on the use of the website. It should reflect your brand and what it means. Its UI / UX and ranking should be simple enough for visitors to navigate it without any hassle. The use of font size, bullet points, and white space should also be considered carefully as they play an important role in the performance of the website. Maintaining a brand guideline across all platforms ensures design consistency throughout the website.


The first impression of a website is important. A better UI experience can stop traffic in the long run, increase website rankings, and increase conversion rate – leading to more purchases/leads. With a well-designed website with a proper SEO roadmap and responsive design, you can increase organic search rankings and avoid losing potential customers.

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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